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My story


**Chi Sono**

Caro visitatore,

Benvenuto sulla mia pagina internet! Sono Irina Egorova, fondatrice dell'Accademia VisO'key®. Nata in Russia, ho seguito il mio cuore in Italia nel 2010, portando con me una passione innata per il benessere e la bellezza naturale.

La mia carriera nel mondo del ringiovanimento del viso è caratterizzata da una profonda dedizione all'eccellenza e all'innovazione. Sono orgogliosa di portare avanti il titolo di Master Face Therapist, un riconoscimento delle mie competenze avanzate nel settore. Questo titolo non è solo un'accreditazione delle mie conoscenze, ma anche un impegno costante a offrire trattamenti e metodologie all'avanguardia nel campo del ringiovanimento naturale del viso. Sono una maestra Olistica e docente di formazione olistica

Dear visitor,

Welcome to my website! I'm excited to introduce you to the VisO'key Academy and share with you the unique opportunity it offers.

My name is Irina Egorova, founder of VisO'key Academy. I am a specialist in manual techniques for natural facial rejuvenation, recognized as a "Master Face Therapist", as well as a teacher of holistic techniques. Furthermore, I am the first to have created a professional course in the manual facelift sector.

For more than 8 years, I have dedicated myself to the study and practice of rejuvenation techniques, putting all my experience and passion into my project called VisO'key® Academy

The VisO'key® Academy offers comprehensive training for facial techniques specialists, allowing them to acquire the skills necessary to excel in the field of facial rejuvenation.

Our courses are designed to adapt to the needs of our students, offering both in-person and online training options. This way, you can choose the learning mode that best suits your lifestyle and needs.

In 2023 my method was awarded as the best natural facial rejuvenation method


Our mission is to provide high-quality training, based on the VisO'key® Method, a revolutionary approach that combines advanced manual facelift techniques with a deep understanding of the tissues and muscles of the face. Our students will learn the most effective techniques to reduce wrinkles, improve skin elasticity and achieve amazing results in a natural and non-invasive way.

Whether you are a wellness professional looking to broaden your skills, or you are passionate about beauty and want to start a career in facial rejuvenation, the VisO'key® Academy is the perfect place for you. I will guide you step by step, providing you with high-level practical and theoretical training.

Explore our page to discover the details of the courses available, the testimonies of our satisfied students and the professional growth opportunities we offer. We are here to support you in achieving your goals and turning your passion for beauty into a successful career.

Please feel free to contact us for more information or to answer any questions you may have.

We are excited to accompany you on your path to natural beauty success.



Il metodo VisO'key® ha visto la luce dopo un lungo percorso di ricerca nel campo del ringiovanimento del viso, focalizzandosi non solo sulle tecniche tradizionali ma integrando anche approcci innovativi derivati dallo studio approfondito del corpo umano.

Il Lifting manuale VisO'key® non si limita alle tecniche superficiali per il viso, ma va oltre, integrando il trattamento della postura e altre componenti cruciali che contribuiscono significativamente al processo di ringiovanimento. Questo approccio olistico garantisce risultati più completi e duraturi, affrontando le diverse sfaccettature che influenzano l'aspetto e la salute  del viso.

The VisO'key method was born after years of research in the field of facial rejuvenation.

The VisO'key® manual facelift takes inspiration from facial techniques but completes their effectiveness thanks to the treatment of posture and other components that improve rejuvenation.

The VisO'key® treatment , whether with an operator or through self-massage, is customizable and does not follow a standardized formula.

Each person is different from the other and the VisO'key ® Manual Lift can be adapted to everyone's specific needs.

My research and study of the body have allowed me to create a unique and innovative treatment, completely natural and non-invasive, but above all effective!

Make your face shine thanks to the VisO'key® method!

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Why choose

The VisO'key® Method is not simply a traditional massage, but a treatment that acts on a deep muscular level and involves the tissues. Unlike a massage, the VisO'key® Method does not use oil, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

VisO'key professional training is the first in Italy as a natural rejuvenation method

You will be able to become an operator of the VisO'key method and have excellent earnings in your profession. Furthermore, the operators will be included in our portal as official operators of the method

What makes it unique

The VisO'key® Method is unique because it is based on the precision and anatomy of the facial muscles. This innovative technique works in a targeted way to relieve tension and tissue restrictions, focusing on the interconnection between the body and the face. By understanding how the body and face are interconnected, the VisO'key® Method takes a holistic approach to relax the entire muscular system, thus contributing to natural facial rejuvenation.

What you will learn with

If you participate in VisO'key® training courses, you will learn:

  • Advanced techniques to work precisely on the facial muscles.

  • Holistic approach to relax and relieve tension in the face and body.

  • Detailed anatomy of the face and tissues involved in the aging process.

  • Use of manual techniques for effective natural facial rejuvenation.

  • Ability to achieve amazing and long-lasting results for your clients.

Scegliere il corso professionale VisO'key® significa investire nel tuo futuro professionale, acquisendo competenze avanzate e una certificazione riconosciuta che ti distinguerà nel mercato del ringiovanimento del viso.

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